Google on Thursday started rolling out the new December Pixel Drop and the new Android features for the users across regions, including India. The latest Pixel Drop promises to enhance the use of Gemini along with improvements in camera and security updates as well.
Google organised its new Pixel Screenshots feature with circle to search with the Pixel Drop. Now, while using circle to search, you can save to Pixel Screenshots with a tap and find it later. The Pixel Screenshots now automatically categorises screenshots with new search filters, said the Google’s blogpost. It will suggest actions based on the information you saved.
Pixel Screenshots also lets you add tickets or credit cards from screenshot to Google Wallet. The Gboard will also suggest from your screenshots in relevant apps.
With the Pixel Drop, Gemini will give more personalised responses with the new saved info feature in Gemini Advanced. Users can view, edit or delete the information they’ve shared as well as see when it’s used.
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Now Gemini can also work across more apps and services on Android. It can call, draft and send messages with your default phone and messaging apps. You can even set alarms, control your device settings, and open your camera to take a quick selfie. Google will add support for even more apps in the coming weeks.
Gemini can also control smart home devices that your Google Account can access such as lights, AC or TV, information about a place on Maps, their reviews and scan websites to answer any questions. Gemini Live is now available in 10 Indic languages, including English and Hindi.
The Pixel 9 series users can now capture and share Ultra HDR photos right from their Instagram Feed. For Snapchat, finding photos and videos will be easier as you’ll be able to see folders, favorites and cloud photos through the Photo Picker.
The Pixel 9 Pro Fold users can now preview every shot in portrait mode on the dual screen. The users also get Joy from Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out sticker.
Now Pixel users can share their Pixel Studio sticker creations in Gboard keyboard. The Emoji Kitchen in Gboard has updated navigation now.
The Recorder app has also been updated with automatic noise reduction.
With the new ‘Simple View’ feature, users can increase their phone’s font size and touch sensitivity.
Google has updated the Now Playing feature as well. You can now see album art for each song in your Now Playing history.
For safety and security, Google introduced the new ‘Identity Check’ feature. In beta for Pixel now, it will ask for face or fingerprint authentication before any changes to sensitive settings can be made on your phone whenever you are in a new location. “This gives you extra protection against anyone who might try to take your phone and access your passwords, change your PIN or turn off theft protection features,” said Google. It will be rolled out soon.
Published - December 06, 2024 12:40 pm IST
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