BenQ has launched the GW2790Q monitor in India at a limited special launch price of Rs. 14,990. The device is available at their e-stores, on e-commerce sites and leading retail stores in the country.
With a 27” high-res QHD 2K IPS display, the monitor has a 2560 x 1440 resolution and a 100Hz refresh rate for smooth performance and 99% sRGB colour coverage for a vibrant experience.
It comes with dual HDMI 2.0 and DP 1.2 for seamless connectivity to do creative projects, office tasks, coding and gaming. The size is compact such that it fits into a smaller setup easily too.
The monitor comes with Brightness Intelligence Gen 2 that optimises the brightness of the screen based on ambient lighting, and the Low Blue Light Plus and Flicker-Free technology reduces eye fatigue.
The BenQ GW2790Q monitor also has different modes - M-Book for maintaining colour consistency with MacBooks, E-Book, coding, cinema and colour weakness mode specially designed for users who have a colour vision deficiency.
Additionally, the monitor is TÜV Rheinland certified and RPF 35 compliant for enhanced eye comfort of all users.
Published - January 08, 2025 12:56 pm IST
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