Xiaomi will officially launch the Redmi A4 5G smartphone on November 20 in India. Showcased already during the India Mobile Congress 2024, the upcoming Redmi A4 5G will be priced below ₹10,000 for the mass segment adoption and their transitioning into 5G.
The Chinese smartphone maker will use the Qualcomm’s newly announced Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 in the Redmi A4 5G. The 4nm processor has been designed for budget 5G phones.
The Redmi A4 5G is going to have a 6.88 inch display with a 120 Hz refresh rate. It will feature a Halo glass design at the back
Redmi A4 5G will feature a 50 MP main camera along with a supportive lens. It is likely to have an 8 MP front lens for selfies.
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Xiaomi will use a 5,160 mAh battery in the Redmi A4 5G with a likely company of an 18 W charger inside the box.
Redmi A4 5G is expected to start with a 4 GB variant in India.
Published - November 19, 2024 02:01 pm IST
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